A Roundtable Preview of the Transformational Shift Conference (Oct. 21-23 2016)

I listened to this over a couple nights and it was an incredible discussion.  It really lends confirmation to what each person is speaking on when you see the similarities and commonalities yet, most completely independent from one another.    It’s 2 hours so break it up if you have to, I know I had to due to time constraints. 

From the YouTube description:  “In this roundtable interview, Yvonne Palermo of gRooVie BeaN Radio, is joined by 2016 Transformational Shift Conference host and organizer, Tolec, to introduce a few of the headline speakers and panel participants of the conference to be held in Tucson, AZ, October 21-23, 2016. Yvonne and Tolec both will be presenting.

A rich tapestry of narratives unfolds in this Conference Preview Roundtable as Stewart Swerdlow, Mark Kimmel, Cheyenne Stone, Sierra Neblina, Jim Nichols and GC’s Alexandra Meadors present their backgrounds — with surprising overlaps revealed in the course of the interview — and suggest some of the directions their talks will take.

A brief rundown on the speakers interviewed here:

Stewart Swerdlow will not be speaking at the conference, but he will sit on a panel. Swerdlow spent 13 years at Montauk, and was involved in diverse projects, including time travel. As with many participants, his family ties led to this strange destiny. His great-uncle was the USSR’s first President, and his uncle founded the KGB, and brought mind control to Russia in the 1930s.

Mark Kimmel will be a keynote speaker. With seven books and two decades of research into the subject of transformation on many levels, Mark Kimmel will talk about the “bigger picture from non-physical point of view.” He will look over the million-year history not just of our complex biological form, but also of our complex energy forms, such as our chakra system.

Jim Nichols, long-time friend of Tolec, well-known UFO researcher, artist and video presenter, will be speaking on the most fundamental focus of transformation in these and all times: ‘Consciousness, the Final Frontier’.

Cheyenne Stone is only recently beginning to recount her extraordinary life and transformations. Partly Choctaw and Cherokee, Cheyenne was brought up ‘European’, but ultimately returned to her grandfather’s “red” spirituality. Cheyenne was experienced with “men in black” and reptilian attacks from early childhood, due to her family’s connections with the military-industrial complex (Halliburton.) Hers is a story of shamanic transformation, from victimhood to victory, with reverberations that should permeate all over our quickly changing times.

Sierra Neblina’s life story is as extraordinary as Cheyenne Stone’s, and overlaps in many ways. Born into a family with a history of grey abduction, and fathered by an Air Force officer who disappeared into “top secret” territory immediately thereafter, Sierra’s life followed both her parents’ difficult paths. Cheyenne Stone and Sierra Neblina both were gifted — (or burdened) — with prophetic dreams from childhood, and both have family background that subjected them to US military black ops abuse and alien attack for many years. Both too have Native American ancestry and revive shamanistic understandings of their transformational process.

Now, as First Nations from all around the country join together in protesting the Dakota Access pipeline project, their presence will be especially felt at this conference. Tolec traces his past life ancestry on this planet through the Dakota and Lakota tribes of North America, just as he traces his longer lineage back to similarly named planets in the Pleiades. The Native American heritage is shared by a number of other speakers at the conference, and the conference venue in Tucson, AZ, where the native presence still resounds so strongly, is ‘no accident.’

Alexandra too reveals more of her background than may be widely known, including events from her own ‘military’ childhood, and reveals a number of surprising parallels with the accounts of the other participants. Listen closely, the interview moves fast through the speakers, each of whom packs a lot into their allotted time.

This is not an UFO conference, Tolec makes clear, though most of the speakers have ET contact. The conference is also about more than ‘the Event’ or ‘Ascension’, though these are the focus of some of the talks. Rather it is about transformational living, healing, and revealing, on every conceivable level.

This conference represents yet another step in coordinating and linking the global community of lightworkers, truthtellers, and those who just want to do good by Mother Earth and our fellow humanity.

The conference website is: http://www.transformationalshiftevent..


Whattoknow.info – A Respository of Quality Information


(All my text is in bold/italics in blockquotes (grey color too if your on a mobile device) like this while all information from http://www.wanttoknow.info/ is in bold or regular text.  This will be how I source material in moving forward so you, the reader, can easily distinguish between my text and the source text.  As always, thank you for reading.)

In the past year or so I have been lucky enough to stumble upon http://www.wanttoknow.info/


This is an incredibly well researched site with quality mainstream, alternative and independent news, information and documentaries from the most reliable sources available.  The site has extensive information on everything from 9/11 to Free Energy to Health and all individuals below have contributed to this wealth of reliable knowledge:

Individuals Who Have Made Key Contributions to WantToKnow.info


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  • BBC News has exposed plans of the U.S. military to “provide maximum control” of the Internet, as detailed in a declassified secret Pentagon document signed by a U.S. Secretary of Defense.
  • Government documents released through the Freedom of Information Act show top Pentagon generals once approved plans to foment terrorism and kill innocent civilians in major U.S. cities.
  • CBS News quotes Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, “According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” That’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the US.
  • Multiple reliable sources show that you may be eating genetically modified food daily which scientific experiments have repeatedly demonstrated cause sickness and death in lab animals.
  • Detroit’s leading newspaper reported the 1908 Ford Model T boasted a fuel economy of 25 mpg. Yet over 100 years later, the EPA average mileage for all cars is still around 25 mpg.
  • A highly decorated US General wrote the book War is a Racket, which depicts how he was manipulated, and how most wars are waged to keep the coffers of big corporations filled.
  • The former chief of a prestigious medical journal revealed that the total profits of the 10 Fortune 500 drug companies were more than the profits of the other 490 businesses combined.
  • Declassified CIA documents leave no doubt that through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, secret government mind control projects created super spies, terrorists, assassins, and more.
  • 3,000 respected leaders, including government officials and professors, have expressed harsh criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Many allege government complicity in the attacks.
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Flower of Life

Image by Teka Luttrell of soulconnection.net
“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  ~~  Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Global Alert News for March 26th and April 2nd

The past two weeks of Dane Wigington’s Global Alert News Program.  This is critical listening for everyone.  Dane does a fantastic job of tying so much important news together while still focusing on the most important issue in my opinion as well as his and that is, Geoengineering.  For without a life-supporting Earth, what do we have left? 



March 26th, 2016:
The maneuvering of the power structure is becoming rapidly more desperate and destructive. From the positioning of military assets around the globe, to the strategically timed terror attacks that are utilized for maximum impact on the mindset of the population, the wheels of many agendas are turning. FOX news and the NRA are pushing propaganda (as are other mainstream sources). But will stocking up on guns and ammunition save the survivalists if the biosphere collapses to a point where it will no longer support life? Such a conclusion is not wild speculation, but rather a mathematical near term certainty if we do not have an immediate and complete course correction for the human race. How can it be that whose who call themselves “patriots” are completely silent about what happened to Pat Tillman and the entire Navy Seal team that was involved with the Osama bin Laden staged assassination drama? How can it be that so many who claim to be patriots are completely silent about the ongoing toxic atmospheric spraying assault occurring over our collective heads each and every day? It is one thing to claim we care about the future of our children, it is another issue entirely to show we care by our priorities and actions.



April 2nd, 2016:
The changes now unfolding on our planet are profound and catastrophic. Though mainstream media sources are finally starting to acknowledge the warning signs emanating from everywhere on the biosphere, there is still precious little truth to be found in regard to the severity and immediacy of what we collectively face. Many have now seen the recent headlines about the unimaginably rapid die-off of the great barrier reef, but few yet understand that this is just the beginning of what continues to unfold  around us all at blinding speed. https://www.facebook.com/dane.wigingt

Richard Dolan at the Secret Space Program – UFO Encounters with the World Militaries: Implications Conference

This is a presentation by Richard Dolan, hosted by the GlobalBEM.  Well worth your time. – Mike

UFO Encounters with the World Militaries: Implications




Over the years, there have been many confirmed military encounters with UFOs, many of which are truly incredible and at times disturbing. These encounters involve much more than the U.S. military, but also the militaries of Canada, the U.K. all the European nations, Russia, China, Australia, Middle Eastern nations, African nations — indeed, everywhere. Not only that, but reliable reports by military and government sources go back well before the Second World War. Richard Dolan will discuss some of the most extraordinary encounters we know of, and share his ideas regarding the phenomenon itself. He will then examine the energy and technology implications, the probable political forces that are blocking changes to our energy paradigm, and ways of moving forward.


Richard Dolan is among the world’s leading researchers and historians of the UFO subject. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State volumes one and two, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. He is a regular guest on Coast-to-Coast AM radio, has also appeared on many television specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere. Since 2012, Richard has hosted “The Richard Dolan Show,” airing on KGRA Radio every Saturday evening, from 8-11 pm EST. In his books, articles, and many interviews, Richard has analyzed the destruction of our political liberties as a result of the UFO cover-up, the possible nature of the non-humans themselves, what their presence means for our civilization, why he believes the cover-up will end within our lifetime, and what is likely to happen after that.


Also watch…


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The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing

Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
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Stand Strong, Stand Together

Listen to this song as you scroll down through the pictures.  Let the art and the manyfaces be a metaphor.  A metaphor for every human being, of every color, race and background to work together to end slavery and free ourselves from the Cabal, from the lies, from the secrecy, from the bondage.   Once and For All.



LOTR The Two Towers 183











matrix final battlemass-effect-4-annuncio-all-e3-2014mass_effect_3_characters_w1babylon-5


braveheartelf armymaxresdefaultrohancharge

Dr. Steven Greer – How the Secret Government Works

I haven’t watched this yet but I’m sure it’s loaded with incredible information and investigative work into how Secret Governments operate.

If you don’t believe this is happening, take a look at more sources listed below:

Exopolitics Article Archives





Update and Our Potenital Binary Star System

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.  I’ve been busy with the NoMasterNoSlave.com Podcast I do with my friends Nick Bonner and Zach Conner.

I did find some incredible new information on our possible Binary Star System!  If this is true, then we have something to really pay attention to.

Thank you Human-Resonance.org for this well documented and eye-opening information:


Resonance in Planetary Alignment

The Red Dwarf Alignment of December 18-21, 2015

by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance.org
October 15, 2015

The rapidly strengthening reverberations of infrasound resonance being experienced all over the planet and throughout our entire solar system are due to the close pass of the sun’s binary twin, an invisible brown dwarf companion star. So, where exactly is this ethereal brown dwarf companion? Information on this enigmatic subject was provided to an extraterrestrial contactee in South Africa decades ago:


We first heard about Sola Kananda approaching our solar system in 1973… Sola Kananda means a ‘sun that has not yet flared or blazed’, we are told. It is approaching from the constellation of Cancer.

This locator reference for the brown dwarf as approaching the solar system from the region of Cancer suggests its point of periapsis with the sun will occur while passing through the constellation of Leo. This basic brown star locator information also provides an intriguing explanation for the most powerful solar event and geomagnetic storm ever witnessed by astronomers of our time, known as the Carrington Event of September 2, 1859 (below). While many researchers acknowledge the planetary alignment as playing a major causative role in the solar eruption, the surprising magnitude of the event is the direct result of the additional alignment of the brown dwarf star that has gone entirely unnoticed.

The invisible presence of the brown dwarf companion star at the edge of the known solar system in the region of Leo is the only explanation for the unmatched intensity of the Carrington Event, and offers a profound insight into the timing of the oncoming Magnetic Reversal of our sun and all its orbiting planets.

As prophesied by many ancient sources, humanity will soon witness the unprecedented conjunction of the majority of the bodies in our solar system. On December 18-21, 2015, Neptune, Ceres, Mercury, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter will perfectly align with the brown dwarf solar companion (below). The Saturn-Sun axis will be perpendicular to the main alignment, and pass close by the Earth as well.

The height of this major planetary and solar conjunction will be marked by dramatic changes during the rapid process of system-wide Magnetic Reversal, likely fulfilling the Biblical prophecy of the extended period of Judgment in total darkness, without temporal reference: “You will not know the hour or the day…” Astronomical data for December 18-21, 2015 clearly supports this enigmatic statement, suggesting the sun will be dark for the period of three days prior to an ignition discharge that will convert the now invisible brown dwarf binary solar companion into a resplendent red dwarf on December 22, 2015.

Fascinating details concerning the Shift of the Ages were revealed by extraterrestrial visitors decades ago. In 1968, a young radio/electrical engineer living in Richard’s Bay, South Africa, ‘F. Edwin W.’ (alias) received radio transmissions from a cosmonaut in Earth orbit named Valdar, from the planet Koldas:

Then another aspect of this conditioning program emerged when the discussion turned to the enigmatic subject called the ‘New Age’. Valdar said, ‘One has to be conditioned to accept the New Age. In the ancient scriptures of the Confederation, it is written that the Divine One will change many planets.

‘A voice tells us that there will be a change. The timing of the event will depend on many circumstances. It might be caused by the separation of the two Universes resulting in a complete break in the magnetic field between them. This event may bring about changes which would gradually usher in a New Age. There might be a change in the atomic structure. Every atomic power station would then cease to function, and even your electrical power would stop. But a new source of energy will then be available…